This is a fantasy adventure novel for ages 8 - 108! Can you ever be too old for a good adventure?

When Ben discovers a bug dragon in his back yard, he and his friend Alf form the Bug dragon Undercover Research Project.

Their secret mission is gate crashed by Ben's younger sister Emily and her friend Nadia, but despite initial resentments, the four children manage to form a team. Together they become embroiled in an unexpected adventure involving the discovery of a lost faerie civilisation and an agenda that is not quite so harmless...

Both the paperback and kindle/ebook version of this novel contain beautiful black and white illustrations. A full colour hardback edition will be coming soon.

The Bug Dragon Project


The Bug dragon Project

This is an illustrated novel written for ages 8-108. Can you ever be too old for a great adventure?

When Ben discovers a bug dragon in his back yard, he and his friend Alf  form the

Their secret mission is gate crashed by Ben's younger sister Emily and her friend Nadia, but despite initial resentments the four children manage to form a team. Together they become embroiled in an unexpected adventure involving the discovery of a lost faerie civilisation and an agenda that is not quite so harmless...

Both the paperback and kindle/ebook versions of this book contain beautiful black and white illustrations. A full colour hardcover will be available soon!

Bug dragon Undercover Research Project.


'The little man in the Big Brown Coat'


'The little man in the Big Brown Coat'

FREE 'Freekia' extract

from 'The Felantia Files'

Available internationally on Amazon Books

Available internationally at Amazon Books